I was out golfing this past weekend for the first time in a long time. It was so great to be on a golf course again, enjoying a beautiful, sunny fall day, but unexpectedly I met a 90 year old golfer.
Nearing the end of our game, he came by on his golf cart and stopped to chat with us.
At first I thought he was the course Marshall who was going to tell us to play faster or respect the cart signs or replace our divots (of which there were many).
But it turned out he was just doing some routine course maintenance and did not want to be in our way.
Now it could have been quite easy to be polite, thank him and move on but there was something about him that kept us in conversation.
To find out what I learned from him, read on…
This gentleman was over 90 years old, a nonagenarian, and yet he was healthy and active. He still plays golf at 90 yrs of age and is a volunteer at this local golf course. He was energetic, humorous, interesting and interested.
What a delight he was!
So many of us use age as an excuse for doing so little with our golden years and here he was being so involved and offering whatever he could offer.
He reminded me of what I had read in the book ‘Younger Next Year’ by Chris Crowley. We do not need to wither on the vine as we age.
As we age, we have so much to offer and having the right attitude and being active will keep us alive.
This 90 year old golfer was proof of that!
The second thing I learned from him is everyone has a story. So don’t be judgemental.
It turned out this fellow was also a hockey player and was in the Hockey Hall of Fame. Would I have known that if I dismissed him and moved on to my next shot? No!
I learned that he played against Jean Beliveau, the famous Montreal Canadien’s player, in the Memorial Cup back in the 1950s. My goodness, he must have a locker room full of hockey and life stories to tell!
Lastly, he made us feel so good inside, thanks to his positive outlook, humorous disposition and fun-loving attitude.
We were totally inspired!
He was certainly not the typical ‘grumpy old man’ that you meet in many places, so why can we not all be like him? So what did I learn from this 90 year old golfer?
Be positive, active, energetic, interesting and interested, be fun-loving and be a contributor, no matter what age you are.
When you have a higher level vibration and live in a peak state, you will absolutely attract more people to you, personally and professionally.
If you do those things, you will definitely be younger next year!
And if you want to take your life or business to the next level, why not connect with me here!