Don’t Make These 3 Entrepreneurial Mistakes

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There is so much uncertainty in the world these days and that is why more and more people are turning to entrepreneurship and starting a side business.  However, it’s easy to make these 3 entrepreneurial mistakes!

Mistake #1:  Not being ‘all in’ 

What I mean is that you are not fully committed to your business.  The key is to immerse yourself in your new venture with determination, discipline & persistence.

This will help you get through the moments when you feel like giving up.  You need to have a strong work ethic and believe that you can do this, even when it seems tough.

Make sure to keep your blinders on because it’s too easy to get sidetracked in this internet age.

Commitment also means you put time into your business with a no excuses attitude.  There are 168 hours in a week, so make sure to block your time and tell your family what to expect.

Mistake #2:  Not having the right mindset

Something I learned early on in my entrepreneurial journey was to work on my mindset.  Did you know, that 95% of the population have an employee mindset and 5% have an entrepreneurial mindset?

This is not such a bad thing, but if you want to become successful in business and be part of the 5%,  you have to know how to deal with adversity and learn how to face obstacles without fear.

This comes with being a student and being open to mentorship. This is a chance for you to learn and grow to be the best version of yourself so you can create lasting success.

Mistake #3: Not being a servant leader

This can be challenging as most people become entrepreneurs to make more money to have freedom and flexibility.  You have to dig into your ‘why’.  Then shift from being a traditional leader to being a servant leader, one who serves and helps others.

There is a big difference in how you’ll come across to your customers and team members.  They want to know that you truly care and are there for them.

When you are a servant leader, you have a long term vision, one that is about building a legacy to pass on to your kids or others that matter to you.

Your team will know that you are there to help them get to where they want to go and your customers know they can count on you.  They will continue to reorder your products and services ongoing as they receive value from your leadership.

I hope this helps as you create a second income stream for you and your family.  I’m here to help you along the way.  Feel free to reach out here!

About the author 

Deborah MacDonald

After almost 25 years as an entrepreneur, I continue to grow my business, my passive income streams and my wealth. And now I mentor others on their wealth journeys by teaching them how to fund their own freedom lifestyle.

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