This week is Thanksgiving in the US and I will be celebrating the holiday in Upstate New York with my daughter and granddaughter.
It is a time to be with family and appreciate what we have – food, a roof over our head, a career or job, etc., etc.
I think too often we forget what really is important in life.
But this last year and half has helped us with taking the time to really reflect on all of this, during this abnormal time when so many things that were taken for granted, were not possible.
As a young girl growing up on a farm in Alberta, I remember we did not have much, not even an indoor toilet with running water!!
Looking back, we had a very good life. It was difficult but it molded us into hardworking, capable, committed and dedicated individuals who appreciated each other and the little things in life.
I am so appreciative of that experience today.
I realized that it gave me what I needed to be successful in business and I am truly grateful of my family, business partners and team members who have been there for me all my life.
We know we cannot do everything ourselves. We need help to get where we want to go. We need those leaders and mentors to show us the way. And I am so thankful for all of them.
It is very easy to be appreciative of experiences as well as others and what they have done for us. That is normally what we do at Thanksgiving.
But we also need to look at ourselves. We have to go inward.
Be grateful for who you are. You may not be perfect, no one is, but you are unique and you stand out in the crowd.
Be grateful for who you are and what you have done because without your vision and goals, nothing in your business would happen.
Be grateful for your leadership, drive and commitment because without it no one would join you or follow you.
Be grateful for your integrity and honesty because without it no one would trust you.
Be grateful for your thoughtfulness, compassion and empathy because without it no one would love you.
And be grateful for your health, for without it, you have nothing.
These are just a few things about ourselves that we need to be thankful for and I am sure you can think of many more.
But we do need to look inside rather than just outside during this Thanksgiving and appreciate not only what we have but what we are.
Have a Happy Thanksgiving and be grateful for family, friends and what you have in life, but make sure that you go inward and give thanks to yourself!