How To Detach From The Outcome

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How to detach from the outcome?  Easier said than done!

One of the things I had to learn early on in business was how to detach myself from the outcome in order to be successful.  It wasn’t easy, but I persevered and followed the advice of my coach & mentor. 

That may seem odd to say because normally we are trained to focus on the outcomes and producing results whether it is sales, or productivity, or accomplishments, etc.  

And when we don’t achieve those outcomes that we think we are supposed to get, then we can become disheartened, depressed, frustrated and may even quit.  

I know.  I have gone through this and I have seen others who have as well.   

It seems to be especially prevalent in today’s environment where people expect quick returns and success in business.  I deal with it all the time inside the network marketing business model.  New business partners start with great expectations and if they don’t materialize, they give up.  We’re in a world of instant gratification. 

“The law of detachment says that in order to acquire anything in the physical universe, you have to relinquish your attachment to it.” – Deepak Chopra

So how do we detach from the outcome?

First of all, you have to believe in yourself and what you are doing.  You believe that what you are doing is in alignment with you, it’s what you want and that you are capable of achieving it.

Next you have to trust that it will happen.  That means you will continue to work towards the end goal, no matter how long it will take.  You understand that you cannot control everything.  You let go of setbacks and disappointments because you know in your heart it will happen.

And lastly, you will do the daily work required to achieve the outcome you want.  Yes you have to work at it.  This is not a lottery or a quick rich investment scheme.  It is your life, your passion and it takes work to make it happen.

By doing these three things, you will be in control.

You will not be driven by the outcome, but instead driven by your belief, your trust and your daily efforts.

I know I keep referring to my farm background, but it taught me so much including how to detach from the outcome.  Our family believed in farming as a successful business and in our ability to farm and never questioned what we were doing.

We trusted that the farming process we used would achieve the results we wanted and we did the day to day work to get us there.  We were committed to producing an outcome but detached from it.  Even though there were good years, bad years and disappointments, we were never attached. 

So are you detached from your desired outcome in business? 

Are you in control?  Or is the outcome driving you?  

Book a free coaching call with me so I can help you grow your business without being attached!


About the author 

Deborah MacDonald

After almost 25 years as an entrepreneur, I continue to grow my business, my passive income streams and my wealth. And now I mentor others on their wealth journeys by teaching them how to fund their own freedom lifestyle.

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