Be Mindful In Business

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One thing I have learned as an entrepreneur is the importance of being mindful in business.

It shows that you are an outward focused individual, not selfish or self centred, and aware of your surroundings.

Mindful people do not talk about themselves – they are more interested in you and what you are feeling, thinking or doing.

Most importantly, being mindful creates attraction.

And whether it is your business, network or personal relationships, you want and need attraction in your life.

“It’s not what you look at that matters, it’s what you see.” – Henry David Thoreau, American Naturalist, Poet, Philosopher

A lot of people are not mindful at all.  They are not aware of what is happening around them and are only aware of what is happening to them.  They don’t reach out to you – they expect you to contact them.  

Many times they don’t even see potential in people because they are too busy talking about themselves.

And that is a major limitation for anyone.  It can seriously impact one’s business, one’s relationships and undoubtedly one’s life.  

So how can we be more mindful?

The first thing you have to do is be curious, to show interest in other people.  

If you are not curious in someone why would that someone be interested in you or what you are doing?  

The second one which is quite obvious is to ask questions, lots of questions about them.  

I have been at so many networking and business meetings where people I met never asked anything about me, even though I asked about them, their business, their products, their life, their family. . . 

It was all about themselves and their business. If they would reciprocate and ask you about your business, then it creates more attraction and starts to build a relationship which is the key to business building.  

Show that you are an outward thinking person.  Ask questions about them so that you get a picture of who they are and whether they are a fit for your business or your friendship.

And the last thing is focus on them with your body language.  Face them, make eye contact, smile, be friendly, be energetic (not bored).  

Look at them, not at others when you are talking to them.  Show that you are fully interested in them and with connecting with them.

They then feel important and worthy, and you show that you are interested in them and attracted to them.

And attraction creates attraction. It’s a two way street.

So whether it is your business or personal life, practice being mindful every day.  I guarantee it will increase your attraction.

People may not always remember your name, but they will remember the discussion they had with you, forever. 

“Mindfulness isn’t difficult.  We just need to remember to do it.”  Sharon Saltzberg, NYT bestselling author


About the author 

Deborah MacDonald

After almost 25 years as an entrepreneur, I continue to grow my business, my passive income streams and my wealth. And now I mentor others on their wealth journeys by teaching them how to fund their own freedom lifestyle.

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