5 Things all Dream Teams Have

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Take the time to put together a strong team and you can achieve more, serve your customers more effectively, and increase your income. I’m sure you’ve heard about what makes up a good team: unity, focus and support. But, in my career as a business coach, I’ve gained insight into some of the more advanced qualities the most successful teams possess. All successful dream teams have these five things in common.


Strong teams are made up of passionate individuals. The best teams have people who are driven, ambitious, and love what they do. When these kinds of people get together, a powerful team is formed. Each person feels driven and works toward success, helping to elevate the entire team. Without ambitious team members, your team will flounder and won’t enthusiastically meet deadlines and challenges head on…holding your entire business back.

I built teams for others in my past careers and for the last 18 years, I have continued to build successful teams in my own businesses. I have seen firsthand how important it is to have this kind of individual and combined passion on board. It’s about helping others to help themselves. It’s the win-win environment many of us are seeking. It’s the recognition we give and also receive. It’s what makes a difference in the lives of others. It makes a team become ‘family’.

Complementing Personalities

Each of the passionate people on your team has unique personalities and skill sets. Ideally, these work in conjunction with each other to make up a team that has the power to brainstorm and execute plans.

To build this kind of team, you need to be purposeful in recruiting members. Understand what each person can bring to the table and how those skills can work with those your team already has. If you already have a team, spend some time reviewing each member’s background and area of expertise and rework your plans so that they play to everyone’s strengths.

Accountability Driven

Good teams are more than supportive of each member; they know how to hold each other accountable. They know how to make plans, delegate tasks, and work together to make sure everyone is successful.

A feeling of accountability will compel team members to follow through with assignments and work together to see projects through to success. It will make your team more successful as a whole, as each person will feel a sense of responsibility and ownership.

To do this, create detailed plans, hold regular meetings, clearly assign tasks and follow up with each other. Accountability will come naturally, making your team even more successful.

Support of Team Leadership

Over time, leadership begins to develop. Whether you have a designated team leader or allow a different member to take the lead for different projects, that leadership will grow. The leader will learn how to manage the team, and the members will feel like they have the support they need to be successful.

This is extremely beneficial, as it helps teams be more successful from the beginning of a project. The members work well together and coordinate so that challenges are conquered seamlessly and success comes more easily, allowing everyone to work less and earn more.

Launching to Execution to Success

Finally, dream teams have the ability to see projects through from launching to execution and then to success. They stick to their plans even when things get tough. They know how to be flexible and recognize when it’s time to try a new approach.

These kinds of teams are extremely dedicated and have a track record of executing projects well and achieving success. They also tend to be more successful over time…doing things better, more effectively, and bigger and better each time.

Building a dream team takes time, but developing these 5 things all dream teams possess will make your business much more successful. If you are interested in learning more about how you can enhance your team, contact me.


About the author 

Deborah MacDonald

After almost 25 years as an entrepreneur, I continue to grow my business, my passive income streams and my wealth. And now I mentor others on their wealth journeys by teaching them how to fund their own freedom lifestyle.

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