With the New Year fast approaching, it is time to reflect and assess what we have accomplished individually. This should be a normal process for everyone but unfortunately, for many it is not.
Why do people not reflect and plan, on an annual basis?
With so many blogs, motivational books, web-sites and articles on this subject, it is mind boggling that people do not take the time to think about their past and their future.
In the first week of January, I will be attending an event in Puerto Rico that is aimed at getting me started on the right track with expert guidance from Tony Jeary, “ The Results Guy”.
Why Tony Jeary?
Because he has “ advised CEOs and other high achievers on how to discover new clarity for their vision, develop focus on their direction and create powerful execution strategies that positively impact achievement and results.”
Why am I doing this?
Because I know the importance of planning my year out, getting expert advice, setting my goals, and scheduling the actions that I need to take to meet those goals. As Tony states “is the path you’re on happening by accident or on purpose?”
I want it to be on purpose! How about you?
“If you fail to plan, then you are planning to fail.” – Benjamin Franklin
I believe there are 6 things we should do at the end of the calendar year and before the next one begins. These are simple things and should be automatic, if we want to progress and move forward.
So here they are:
1. Assess where you are in life.
Take a hard, realistic look at yourself and assess your situation. Are you happy with where you are, in all areas? Write down those things that you would like to change, all of them, no matter how ridiculous they may be. Categorize them – financial, relationship, family, fitness, personal development, etc.
2. Determine where you want to be.
Where do you want to be at the same time next year? What do you want to change? Is it all the things you listed above or some of them? Write them down. Categorize them and rate them from top to bottom. These will be your goals for the year. Make sure you make them specific, and achievable. For example, you may wish to lose 20 lbs or start your own home-based business. Whatever they are, they must be specific.
3. What’s missing?
If you had everything working for you then you would be where you want to be in life. So something or maybe many things are missing. Identify them and prioritize them. It could be some kind of training or personal growth related. Maybe it is equipment you require, or a program to follow. Whatever it is, you will need to take action on these, if you want to meet your goals by the end of the year.
4. Develop the action plan.
Okay this part takes effort. What do you need to do over the year to reach the goals you have identified? You need to look at daily, weekly and monthly activities for each area to reach your goals. These actions need to be written down and reviewed regularly to keep you on track. You may also need to have someone to keep you accountable, to keep you true to your actions, and this would be identified in your action list. Set up a daily routine that you will stick to.
“A goal without a plan, is just a wish” – Antoine de Saint-Exupery
5. Make it visible.
If you are looking at what you want and need to do everyday, then you will remain focused. Do you have a dream or vision board that you look at every day? If not, make one. Is your daily routine in front of you so that you can’t ignore it? It has been proven that if we envisage what we want everyday, we will eventually make it happen. So have it visible so that you have no excuses for not doing what you said you were going to do.
“If you want to reach a goal, you must see the reaching in your own mind before you actually arrive at your goal.” – Zig Ziglar
6. Commit to being disciplined.
Last but no least is changing your mindset. You have to commit to doing your actions. So write down your commitment statement. Have it in front of you so it is a reminder of what you have to be and what you have to do on a regular basis to reach your goals.
“Discipline is the bridge between goals and accomplishment.” – Jim Rohn
All of the above seems to be so obvious and just common sense. There is nothing magical about what I have said, and yet many people do not do these simple things on an annual basis.
So start the year off on the right foot. Apply these 6 simple ideas and work towards making your dreams come true, by setting and reaching your goals this year.
You can do it! I know you can!
By doing so, it will become easier every year.
Say YES and making this your breakthrough year!