What are you willing to sacrifice to live your dreams? Now, don’t get me wrong, I’m not talking about sacrificing family time or financial security. I’m talking about the small things that many people allow to control their lives. In today’s world, we are bombarded with interruptions in our daily lives and have easy access to all the things that distract us from our goals.
Achieving what you truly want in life is all about discipline and daily habits. No one else controls your destiny. It is in your own hands.
My daughter Stacey is a prime example of someone who was focused on her goals in life and worked hard to achieve them. Since the age of 10 she has been a competitive swimmer and gave up so many things coveted by teenagers: sleeping late, lazy weekends, television, etc. She swam twice a day, before and after school, as well as on weekends. She set a goal to achieve a full scholarship at a Division 1 school in the US and was accepted at MSU. In her 4th year, she became captain of the women’s swim team, even as she excelled in her studies, achieving her undergraduate degree in only three and a half years rather than 4. And, in the midst of all of this, she met an extraordinary man and managed to build a strong relationship which culminated in their exchanging of wedding vows this past weekend!
I share this story with you not only as a proud Mom (though I certainly am that!), but also as a business woman who knows what it takes to create a successful business. I am sharing in the hope that you will see how daily habits and disciplines greatly impact and share your future. No one WANTS to get up at 5am and go swimming. We’d all rather sleep or spend our afternoons watching television. Decisions such as moving to another country, far from your friends and family, are never easy but sometimes they are necessary to meet your goals.
This concept of daily habits is simple, yet profound. It is one of the factors that makes you the master of your own destiny. Stacey has blossomed into a confident young woman and created her own success, all because of her disciplines. No one ever said that success was easy and I won’t lie to you now. If it were easy, everyone would be successful. There are struggles, but these same struggles challenge you and make you a stronger, better person. It really is possible to “have it all”, but not without some give on your part. So, I ask again, what are YOU willing to sacrifice in order to make your dreams a reality?
Ask yourself the following questions:
- Are your daily habits getting you closer to your career and personal goals?
- Are you willing to sacrifice TV, internet surfing, shopping and non-productive activities?
- Are you willing to create positive daily habits and disciplines and tap into your true potential?
- Are you willing to find your true passion and go after it?
In celebration of Stacey’s successes, we just spent this last weekend at her Masters Graduation and her wedding to AJ. 200 friends and family came together to celebrate, and everyone keeps talking about how it was the best wedding they ever attended. I want to thank everyone who attended and those who were there in spirit to help us celebrate her achievements!