If you’re feeling stuck or you’re just coasting through life, it’s time to disrupt that comfort zone! The life you dream of—one filled with wealth, abundance, and freedom—doesn’t come from playing it safe. It’s built ...
I know we have all heard that staying in our comfort zone is the recipe for disaster, if not mediocrity. And this mediocrity affects our personal and business life. This past week I was listening ...
Become Comfortable Being Uncomfortable We have all heard that challenges make us more. They make us grow. They make us become even better than we are are today. Yet, most of us avoid challenging ourselves. ...
I was thinking the other day about how excited I am. Why am I so excited? As I’m out west this week, I realized it’s about entrepreneurship and how it has been a fundamental part ...
We all know that having the right mindset is key to success in anything we do and anything we approach in life. It is essential to our health, our business and our relationships. But do ...
A few years ago, I decided I wanted to write a self-help book on a business subject that I was really passionate about. At the time, I had no idea how to write a book ...