It’s springtime. Yay!
Time for renewal, to refresh, to grow, to get moving and ‘spring it on’!
Spring is a great time to rejuvenate yourself and your business.
The days are longer, there is more sunshine and warmth, and there is new growth all around you. Everything you need to motivate you to get you up and running in a new and different way. So what can you do to ‘spring it on’?
Change up your daily schedule.
Perhaps it is time to be getting up earlier and getting things done in the morning. Perhaps it is time to add more activities as the days are longer and warmer. The cold, depressing days of winter are finally over, thank goodness.
Be more active.
Get out. Do things outside. Exercise. Walk the dog. Start jogging or biking. Attend a fitness class. Whatever it takes. Put it in your schedule. This will revitalize you, your body, your brain, your energy levels and your thinking.
Reevaluate your goals.
The first quarter is now over, so assess how things are going. Is your strategy working. Do you need help in certain areas? Have you done what you said you were going to do? If not, why not. Change your plan if you have to, don’t change your goals.
Do things to be more efficient.
Focus on the most important things that add value and remove the activities that do not matter. Delegate more to your team rather than do it yourself. Get outside help that can do those activities faster than you can (web-design, surveys, ads, marketing. etc).
And finally, add to your personal brand.
Here’s what I do and recommend to grow your capability. It means personal development. Expand your professional and personal knowledge and expertise. Take a course. Schedule yourself to attend a seminar or conference. Read more books. Find a mentor if you do not have one. Do research. Become more visible on social media and attend networking events so that more people know who you are.
So, you want to spring forward?
Then, you need to change what you are doing today otherwise you remain stagnant and in the ‘status quo’ bubble. Growth does not happen by standing still. You have to take action to spring forward.
Remember too, whatever you choose to do, put it in your calendar!
So are you ready to spring it on? How can I help?
Take a few minutes to book a free coaching call with me.